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Lunch, the all-time most important meal of the day for us

Lunch, the all-time most important meal of the day for us

Examining the science (and biological reasoning) behind our meal times and why lunch is the most crucial time of the day to eat

First things first, let's debunk the tales about breakfast

Contrary to what the food industry publishers are paid to report, breakfast is definitely not (and should not ever be considered) the most important meal of the day.  If you're anything like us, the majority of human beings, take a moment to think about a typical morning for yourself and your body.  What's the first thing you usually do when you wake up, use the restroom, right?  Point being (and we'll go in to further detail about breakfast in a future article about dietary nutrition), your body does not want to be burdened with digesting loads of foods during the waking, morning hours as it is instead focused on flushing wastes from your body to prepare you for the full day ahead.  So, don't believe the nonsense that the bacon and egg (and high-cholesterol drug) pushers are soliciting, breakfast is a horrible time of day for you to eat heavy.  Period.

Never a dull meal (with a diet that you can learn to love)

Never a dull meal (with a diet that you can learn to love)

A weight loss diet you never thought possible, until you try it

When you know what foods to eat that will help you to naturally lose weight while still appeasing to your taste buds, dieting becomes secondhand, like a way of life and/or lifestyle for you. If you find yourself trying to lose weight, jumping from one (fad) diet to the next without ever enjoying any of the foods that the diet prescribes much less seeing any real results from the diet, there's no need to lose faith or give up because you can and will lose weight once you learn what is good for YOU to eat (both in terms of being tasty for you as well as effective for helping you to lose weight).

Pears, like apples, are also great for losing weight

Pears, like apples, are also great for losing weight

Full of flavor and packed with phytochemicals, trace minerals and amino acids, pears are one of the world's healthiest foods that you can eat for weight loss

Pears suppress our appetite and prevent overeating

A close kin to the apple, pears are another must-have food to include in your diet.  Pears are known to be high in dietary fiber, offering us that feeling of being full and satisfied with hunger levels to the point that we don't overeat during meals or in between meals either (similar to eating bananas for losing weight).  The sweet flavor that a pear brings satisfies our hunger (and/or suppresses our appetite) and their electrolyte makeup serves to stabilize our blood sugar, giving us natural boosts in energy without the crash afterward.

What you should eat to help you to lose weight

What you should eat to help you to lose weight

Figure out the best foods for you to eat so that you can lose weight while still enjoying your diet

What's right for you to eat for optimal weight loss

When it comes to losing weight, the very 1st step is learning what specific foods are best for you to eat so that you can naturally lose the most amount of weight in as little time as possible.  With the many various (and differing) opinions from each and every diet and/or nutrition specialist out there, figuring out what it is exactly that you should eat to lose weight can be rather difficult.  To save you the trial, error and heartache, you can focus specifically on your body and your eating preferences while utilizing some basic biological and nutritional facts about your human body. 

Curbing your appetite (and losing weight) with cranberries 

Curbing your appetite (and losing weight) with cranberries 

Reach for the cranberry to help you lose weight while you naturally suppress your appetite

First things first: If it ain't working, fix it!

Whether the summer months are on the distant horizon or not, we're talking weight loss and health goals big time these days.  With an estimated 1-in-3 Americans now considered medically obese, the world is clearly in need of some proper education about healthy eating habits and lifestyle practices in general. The diet pills, fad diets and bogus workout plans are evidently still not working (nor will they ever work as is).  This is a call to consciousness, if you are tired of being overweight and are ready to make a true change in your lifestyle, you and only you can take the first step!

The ABC's for losing weight

The ABC's for losing weight

Never mind the diet pills, look to your local fruit stand for 3 common foods that can help you to naturally lose weight

Whether you're looking to lose weight for summerget fit to look as perfect as can be in to your bride's dress (and even groom's suit) for the upcoming wedding; or you just want to enhance your overall health by shedding some excess weight from your body, you can lose weight naturally by including some essential foods like apples, bananas and cherries in your diet.  And, you won't have to break your bank or look too hard as apples, bananas and cherries are rather inexpensive to buy and all three can usually be found year round at your nearby grocery store, local farmer's market or street-side fruit stand.