intestinal digestive juices

Lunch, the all-time most important meal of the day for us

Lunch, the all-time most important meal of the day for us

Examining the science (and biological reasoning) behind our meal times and why lunch is the most crucial time of the day to eat

First things first, let's debunk the tales about breakfast

Contrary to what the food industry publishers are paid to report, breakfast is definitely not (and should not ever be considered) the most important meal of the day.  If you're anything like us, the majority of human beings, take a moment to think about a typical morning for yourself and your body.  What's the first thing you usually do when you wake up, use the restroom, right?  Point being (and we'll go in to further detail about breakfast in a future article about dietary nutrition), your body does not want to be burdened with digesting loads of foods during the waking, morning hours as it is instead focused on flushing wastes from your body to prepare you for the full day ahead.  So, don't believe the nonsense that the bacon and egg (and high-cholesterol drug) pushers are soliciting, breakfast is a horrible time of day for you to eat heavy.  Period.