prevent disease

Getting your feet, rather, palate whet with plant-based eating

3 (highly recommended) books to get you started on the healthy, plant-based lifestyle path of feeling alive, well and living fully


The benefits of plant-based eating

Besides being adequately researched, studied and scientifically proven to prevent (and even reverse) cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity and other life threatening diseases, plant-based eating can and will provide rather immediate results in terms of weight loss and management; digestion and assimilation (and excretion); boosts in energy levels; enhanced quality of sleep; alleviation of back pains and body aches; mood swings and anger management; feelings of satiety and satisfaction with eating; peace and clarity of mind; the texture and condition of head hair; and the clearness of skin, to name just a few.

And, if the proven benefits don't convince you to make the switch fully to a plant-based diet and/or lifestyle, you can always start by trying for just a few days to see for yourself just how good you feel (and how truly delicious plant-based recipes taste).  Literally and truthfully.  For some additional motivation, see the three recommended books below that go into further detail about the benefits associated with a plant based lifestyle with regards to your own health as well as the health of our fellow animals and the health of our beloved Mother Earth. 

Three plant-based lifestyle books to buy and read (with factual proof and real-life example success stories)

1. The China Study

At the top of the book list is still an all-time personal favorite of mine and few other million people, The China Study.  This book, perhaps one of the first most comprehensive studies to be conducted about human dietary nutrition and health, literally provides startling implications regarding human diet and weight loss as well as other long-term health characteristics.

See more → 

The China Study →

The China Study →

2. How Not to Die

If the title of this book alone doesn't make the hairs on the back of your neck rise while providing that ecstasy like feeling of goosebumps, then maybe a blurb quoted from the book's description will, "From the physician behind the wildly popular website, How Not to Die reveals the groundbreaking scientific evidence behind the only diet that can prevent and reverse many of the causes of disease-related death.

See more → 

How Not To Die →

How Not To Die →

3. Forks Over Knives

Whenever I recommend books to read regarding plant-based living (and all of the health benefits achieved there from), I usually start with this Forks Over Knives book because it is honestly the fastest and most informative (and easy to) read for those that are not yet familiar with the idea of plant based living.  Plus, this version of Forks Over Knives comes with packed with (delicious) recipes to make it even easier to get started.

See more → 

Forks Over Knives →

Forks Over Knives →

Need some more help getting started?

If you feel like you may need some more help and/or convincing with making the (logical) switch to a plant-based lifestyle so that you can begin to live your life to the fullest and as healthy as humanly possible, contact me and we can schedule a best time for you to talk.  Previously coming from the meat-eating lifestyle, I know all about the objections, obstacles and otherwise obstructions that can make the switch harder than it truly needs to be.  Once you do make the switch you will fully feel the benefits both from the inside of your body (in terms of how you feel; your energy levels; your level of focus; your hunger cravings; your back pains; your body aches; your ongoing illnesses; your quality of sleep; your mood swings; et al) and from the outside of your body (in terms of how fit you will become as you naturally lose excess weight; your skin tone and clearness; the skeletal structure of your face and cheeks; the texture and feel of your hair; et al).

My weight loss story →

My weight loss story →

"This is for everyone who knows what it’s like to struggle with weight loss, heartburn, back pains, skin care, sleep and even mood swings."

-Scott Schroeder, How I Lost 20lbs in 7 Days


How Not To Die, a must read how-to for staying alive (and well)

How Not To Die, a must read how-to for staying alive (and well)

How Not To Die, the master plan prescription that navigates you to a longer, healthier life free of illness, disease and extravagant medical bills

How Not To Die: Detail & Review

How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease is one of my recent (self) health and wellness book favorites!  With Dr. Greger, M.D. safely guiding you past some of the leading causes of death in America, those who take heed can steer clear of heart disease, cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s and many more deadly tolls that have been taking lives annually.  How Not To Die is literally a must read for anyone looking to stay alive and well for as long as humanly possible.  Avoid illness and disease and save money on medical bills with the help of Dr. Greger's book, How Not To Die, full of research and nutritional facts designed to show you the way to the good (i.e. healthy) life.  Similar to The China Study, this is another book that just may save your life.  Literally.

Forks Over Knives, a great teaser for the plant-based life

Forks Over Knives, a great teaser for the plant-based life

Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health is a quick, easy and insightful read about the healing power of a whole food, plant based lifestyle

Forks Over Knives: Book Review

With approximately 60 pages of factual information about human diet, nutrition, and health; real-life, heart warming examples of patients reversing their chronic illnesses using plant-based foods (and no pharmaceutical drugs or surgeries); and 125 healthy recipes to get you started, Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health is a must read for anyone looking to take their health into their own hands and truly live the lives of their dreams with an all natural, plant-based lifestyle. It is such a short and easy to comprehend read, too, with mentions of the research conducted (and written book), The China Study, which you can read for more detail after getting your palette wet with Forks Over Knives.