
Cherry sweet dreams 🍒

Cherry sweet dreams 🍒

Cherries, an all natural source of melatonin, help to provide a good night sleep for all who eat

Melatonin (mel·a·to·nin)

Melatonin, scientifically known as N-acetyl-5-methoxy tryptamine, is a hormone (produced by our pineal glands) that regulates our sleep and wake cycles.  Our bodies naturally produce melatonin for us but, dependent on our current wake-sleep cycles; the amount of sunlight we take in with each day; and the overall settings of our body's internal system (i.e. circadian and biolgical rhythms), our melatonin levels may not be at their most optimal conditions.  Perhaps one of the most common afflictions resulting from an imbalance in melatonin is difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and staying awake throughout the day, otherwise known as insomnia.  Although some research and/or studies claim that one-half of the human population will experience symptoms of insomnia in any one given year, there is truly nothing to fret or even be alarmed about as you can always use natural remedies to increase your melatonin levels and improve your sleeping patterns.  Perhaps the easiest and 100% all natural method for increasing melatonin in our bodies is by utilizing the foods within our medicine cabinet (i.e. fridge) and, at the top of the list of the foods that we can eat to naturally boost melatonin and create sweet dreams with are, CHERRIES.  So, prepare to fully hit that snooze button and make yourself ready for a good night sleep with this sweet bedtime story about, cherries, one of Mother Nature's (many) natural sources of melatonin.