medical student

Letting food be our medicine and letting medicine be our food

Letting food be our medicine and letting medicine be our food

The story of how a Doctor diagnosed with MS chose nutrition and natural, plant-based healing over costly, Western medicine

Code blue: redefining the practice of medicine

What started out late 1995 as an MRI confirming diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) has since blossomed in to an awakening of the powers of plant-based nutrition on health, wellness and healing for Dr. Saray Stancic.  After about eight long years of battling with the suffering and pain accompanied by the burden of taking ineffective pharmaceutical drugs (and likely an unimaginable amount of frustration), Dr. Saray came across an article in a medical journal that shed some light on the possibility of managing MS with diet and/or nutrition.  At first doubtful in this new approach of "treatment" and even discouraged by her neurologist and physician peers, Dr. Saray decided to give this newfound approach a try and has since reaped the benefits of natural healing with whole food, plant-based lifestyle/diet.